APPA Events

On 1st and 2nd of December the KHuK Jahrestagung will take place at Bad Honnef
From the 16th to 20th of September, the 13th SPARC Topical Workshop will take place at Marian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland.
The 21st International Symposium on Heavy Ion Fusion will take place at Astana, Kazakhstan from July 18th to 22nd, 2016.
On July, 11-13th 2016, there will be an EMMI Workshop on Plasma Physics at FAIR, taking place at GSI.
We are organizing an workshop on May 9th at GSI dedicated to particle detectors for CRYRING@ESR, downstream of the target section and the electron cooler section. Possible detector technologies and their expected performance and characteristics shall be reviewed in the light of the planned low-energy physics program at CRYRING@ESR. Timelines for further developments and technical aspects shall be coordinated during this workshop.
The APPA R&D Verbundforschung has a Kickoff meeting on 14th and 15th of January 2016 at GSI, Darmstadt.