NUSTAR Annual Meeting 2013


From February 25 to March 1, 2013 the NUSTAR Collaboration held their annual collaboration meeting at GSI. Over 150 international participants discussed recent research highlights from experiments at GSI (UNILAC, SIS/FRS and ESR) and other labs. In addition, the status of new detector systems to be used at the future Super-FRS was presented. This new experimental equipment is already successfully applied at GSI demonstrating the continuous transition from GSI to FAIR. However, since the development and tests of new components require sufficient beam time at GSI, the recent decrease of beam time offered by GSI to the experimental groups was seen as a worrying signal.

The whole week was devoted to meetings of sub-collaborations and NUSTAR working groups where the various sub-systems and developments were reviewed in detail. As a special topic the planned physics program of the Super-FRS Collaboration was presented and discussed. It aims at the exploitation of the Super-FRS as high-resolution spectrometer. Closely related was the discussion on the realization of the Low-energy-branch (LEB) building, which is crucial for a large fraction of the NUSTAR Collaboration. It was decided to look into a new layout of the energy/buncher-spectrometer layout as a better option for future physics at the LEB.