Search for new isotopes
Searching for the limits of existence of nuclei is one of the most essential studies in nuclear physics. Combined with high-intensity primary beams up to uranium accelerated by SIS-100, the Super-FRS is the world’s most powerful spectrometer to search for new isotopes far from the beta-stability line by projectile fragmentation, fission and combined production reactions.
The Super-FRS beams, characterized by kinetic energies which are up to 500 A MeV higher than those at the FRS at SIS-18, will have the advantage that even the heaviest fragments will be fully ionized. The search for new isotopes will be beneficial for all NUSTAR experiments. First of all, the separation performance with respect to ion-optical resolution and possible contamination will be tuned and elaborated. Furthermore, measuring the production cross sections and kinematics, reliable rates of the most interesting isotopes at the limit of the new facility will be obtained, which is essential for all NUSTAR experiments. Possible regions of interest are shown in the Figure below.