What is Sandwich PhD Programme?

The Programme is ideally for students currently enrolled in higher education institutions from all over the world at their PhD studies. By doing this Sandwich PhD within the GET_INvolved framework, you have an opportunity to work at an excellent science research center and GET_INvolved into a structured international Project environment. Not only your communication, language and inter-cultural skills will be improved but also hard and soft skills. Would like to know more? See our page on WHY TO GET_INVOLVED?

Who is eligible?

Eligible countries:

  • The individuals affiliated to a University or Educational Institution out of Germany.

Required educational qualification:

  • Students in their Doctoral Programme.
  • Third cycle (Doctoral or equivalent) EQF 8

Is there any funding and support?

Since the Programme supported here are mandatory for your Educational Programme which means the project work at GSI./FAIR is integral part of your research work to recieve your Doctoral degree.
There is a possibility of financial support to doctoral researhcers .

From Your University:

  • The financial support is primarily from your own institution or responsibility of the applicant.
  • This includes cost for subsistence, mandatory medical health Insurance and costs for travel to Darmstadt.
  • The value of this funding depends on each institution/applicant.

From GET_INvolved Programme:

  • In addition to the, the Programme may decide to support a few students with help in organizing the accommodation.
  • Not every doctoral researcher qualifies for this support. The decision will be based on several factors such as Project description, viability of the project at FAIR/GSI, merit of the candidate.
  • Support towards accomodation is always subject to the availability of the accommodation at our Guesthouses.
  • Applicants who are part of FAIR Experiment Collaboration or from an partner institution of FAIR can request for support in their application with a dedicated letter from either the spokesperson of the collaboration or coordinator from the partner institute.


Projects are available

In year 2022, the Programme plans to accept up to 10 doctoral reseacher in this Programme.
An application through the Programme does not guarantee a Sandwich PhD position.


You can benefit from the GI: SIP as a student affiliated to a recognized University or education institution outside of Germany. A typical PhD spends a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 2 years. This duration has to be agreed prior to the start of the stay. The duration can be extended with respect to your project requirement.

Selection procedure

There are Four phases of selection. The process can take 4-6 weeks to provide a confirmation on a Sandwich PhD project.

  • Application stage: checking the completeness of the application with required documents. Incomplete applications are not considered.
  • Matchmaking stage: interview [telephonic/video] with your potential hosting department and a project mentor. Confirmation on a defined traineeship project including the agreed duration from GET_INvolved Programme Coordinator.
  • Allowance Stage: a specific permission is required for each individual intern to perform an internship. This permission will be request by International Office to respective authority in Germany.
  • Confirmation stage: final confirmation from International Office and from respective Authority in Germany for permission to perform an Internship. This includes an invitation letter and hosting agreement for the mobility.

Process steps

1. Application stage:

Applications are accepted from two types of applicants only through the application portal.

  1. applicants who have agreed with a local supervisor at GSI/FAIR and already know their potential traineeship project.
  2. applicants who would like to just apply speculative without any prior knowledge of the specific traineeship project.

Application portal: www.gsi.de/get-involved-application. Please use Latin letters for filling the application!

In every case, upload the following documents:

  • the latest curriculum vitae (CV) (we recommend to use EUROPASS CV template and suggestions how to fill it)
  • enrollment certificate issued by your higher educational institution
  • a statement of purpose in one of the research fields as listed on Subject Areas and Fields
  • Master degree ertificate (transcripts in English language
  • other optional documents: recommendation letters (at least one), other certificates about some hard or soft skills

2. Matchmaking stage:

Matchmaking is not required for those applicants who have beenMatchmaking of your profile is performed by the International Office
  • either asked by an employee or researcher at GSI/FAIR to apply through the portal [they must mention the contact person in the comment section of the application]
  • or you have been informed about your tentative Sandwish PhD project [they must enter the hosting department or contact person’s name in the comment section]
  • when an appropriate Sandwish PhD project is found, you are notified for next steps and a confirmation letter is sent [the candidate may have telephonic/video interview with one or more potential project mentors]
  • when there is no traineeship project found in 6 weeks or a candidate does not qualify to the expectation of potential project mentors during the remote interview, we have to reject the application


3. Allowance stage:

  • Confirmation of funding from your higher education institution or your funding organization will be clarified. This step is mandatory to prepare the Sandwich PhD agreement and clarify the project goals, duration and confirmation from the sending institution.
  • A permission for performing an Internship will be applied to the concerned Authority in Germany.
  • Those applicants for whom a positive allowance are received from the Authority will go to the Confirmation stage.


4. Confirmation stage:

  • Confirmation letter with an Invitation and Programme agreement will be sent to those successful students.
  • Successful applicants will receive all information related to preparation of Mobility


Administration and Coordination

Programme Coordinator
International Office for students and researchers
Contact our team via mail: international(at)fair-center.eu or international(at)gsi.de.


Still have questions? Please check out answers to Frequently Asked Questions. Link to our FAQ.


Programme Coordinator:

Dr. Pradeep Ghosh
and international(at)gsi.de
Phone: +49 (0) 6159 71 3257

Application Website:


Applications accepted all round the year.