GET_INvolved Russia – DAAD YTP Line A


The second call for the 2021 GET_INvolved Russia Programme (in the frame of DAAD Young Talents Programme Line A) to perform short-long term research projects at Helmholtz Centre GSI, Darmstadt, Helmholtz Institutes in Mainz (HIM) and Jena (HIJ) in Germany.

Within the framework of a DAAD Young Talents Programme Line A, young qualified Russian scientists, graduates and students are allowed to carry out a research stay (up to 09 months) at one of the large-scale research facilities of MLZ/FZJ and GSI/FAIR on an innovative research topic. The projects can be performed at GSI/FAIR (Darmstadt) or its Institutes in Jena (HIJ) and Mainz (HIM). In the last call, GSI/FAIR was granted 5 young researchers to perform their research projects with senior researchers. Some of them participated in the ongoing FAIR Phase0 Programme with beam time at GSI.

Eligibility to apply for this fully funded fellowship Programme is limited to those who enrolled or employed at a Russian university, a non-university research institution or an institute of the Academy of Sciences (AdW).

Interested? contact us before you submit your application. You need a support letter with a clear project to submit your application to DAAD. Please do not submit your application directly to the GET_INvolved application portal. The applicants need to submit their application to dedicated Programme page (see link mentioned below).


Deadline for application: 14.06.2021


More information:

Programme Coordinator: Dr. Pradeep Ghosh (mail: pradeep.ghosh(at)

The Programme information about the present call are available GET_INvolved Russia Page

Interested to know more about GET_INvolved Programme and other Programme please go to home page and find out your next opportunity to be at GSI and FAIR and contribute to this mega science project.
