NUSTAR Board of Representatives (BR)

The NUSTAR Board of Representatives (BR) is the executive committee of the NUSTAR Council and acts as the interface between FAIR and the NUSTAR Collaboration. It oversees the links and interactions between the various projects and activities within NUSTAR. It also provides advice and co-ordinates the execution of these projects, the use of project facilities and set-ups, and surveys the strategy behind the physics programme of the collaboration. The BR provides advice to the NUSTAR sub-collaborations concerning project coordination and steers the common projects. The BR consists of five regular members, may appoint ex officio members and is chaired by the NUSTAR Spokesperson. 

Contact: NUSTAR-BOARD(at)

Giovanna Benzoni
INFN Milano, Italy


Michael Block (Deputy Chair and Deputy Spokesperson)
GSI, University of Mainz, and HIM, Germany


Dolores Cortina
IFIC Valencia, Spain


Timo Dickel
GSI / JLU Gießen, Germany



Zsolt Podolyak (Chair and Spokesperson)
Univ. Surrey, United Kingdom


Helena Albers (ex-officio)
FAIR and GSI Darmstadt, Germany


Alexander Herlert (ex-officio)
FAIR Darmstadt, Germany


NUSTAR Board of Representatives members (in alphabetic order)

Current information according to the NUSTAR database: