NUSTAR Collaboration Committee (CC)
The Board of Representatives (BR) together with the spokespersons of the NUSTAR Experiments and the Project Management Team form the NUSTAR Collaboration Committee (CC), which is chaired by the BR chair. The CC oversees the progress of the NUSTAR Experiments as well as the NUSTAR Common Projects.
CC members
Board of Representatives:
- Helena Albers (ex-officio), GSI and FAIR Darmstadt, Germany
- Giovanna Benzoni, INFN Milano, Italy
- Michael Block, GSI, University of Mainz, and HIM, Germany
- Dolores Cortina, IFIC-Univ. Valencia, USC, Spain
- Timo Dickel, GSI / JLU Gießen, Germany
- Alexander Herlert (ex officio), FAIR Darmstadt, Germany
- Zsolt Podolyak, Univ. Surrey, United Kingdom (Chair)
Experiment Spokespersons and Deputies (one representative from each experiment will be invited for meetings):
- Spokesperson: Andrea Jungclaus, IEM-CSIC Madrid, Spain
- Deputy: Alejandro Algora, IFIC-CSIC-Univ. Valencia, Spain
- Spokesperson: Tommi Eronen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
- Deputy: Sergey Eliseev, MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany
- LaSpec
- Spokesperson: Bradley Cheal, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
- Deputy: Wilfried Nörtershäuser, TU Darmstadt, Germany
- R3B
- Spokesperson: Dolores Cortina, Univ. Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- Deputy: Haik Simon, GSI Darmstadt, Germany
- Spokesperson: Iris Dillmann, TRIUMF, Canada
- Deputy: Yuri Litvinov, GSI Darmstadt, Germany
- Spokesperson: Haik Simon, GSI Darmstadt, Germany
- Deputy: Leonid Chulkov, NRC Kurchatov Institute Moscow, Russia
- Spokesperson: Thomas Aumann, TU Darmstadt, Germany
- Deputy: Marina Petri, Univ. York, UK
- Super-FRS EC
- Spokesperson: Nasser Kalantar-Nayestanaki, Univ. Groningen, Netherlands
- Deputy: Timo Dickel, GSI Darmstadt, JLU Gießen, Germany
- Spokesperson: Rolf-Dietmar (Rodi) Herzberg, Univ. Liverpool, UK
- Deputy: Michael Block, GSI Darmstadt and HIM Mainz, Germany
NUSTAR Management
- Technical Coordinator and Project Manager (Helena Albers, GSI/FAIR)
- Resource Coordinator (Alexander Herlert, FAIR)
- Sub-project Super-FRS
- Haik Simon, GSI (Leader)
- Martin Winkler, GSI (Deputy)
- Sub-project NUSTAR Experimental Areas
- Helena Albers, FAIR and GSI (Leader)
- Alexander Herlert, FAIR (Deputy)
- GSI-NUSTAR Physics liaison
- Christoph Scheidenberger, GSI
NUSTAR Collaboration Committee members (in alphabetic order)
Current information according to the NUSTAR database: