GET_INvolved China
Programme with MoHRSS, OCPC China
Information on the Programme
Based on the multilateral agreement between Helmholtz Association and other Helmholtz Centers including GSI for a Postdoctoral fellowship is established. The programme is open to Chinese postdoctoral students who did not graduate more than five years ago and who are working in a research institute or a university in China. With a scholarship, they can research two years at a Helmholtz centre. Both Host centres of the Helmholtz Association and the Office of China Postdoctoral Council (OCPC) of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MoHRSS) share the Scholarship.
More Information
Programme Coordinator: Dr. Pradeep Ghosh (Email)
The Programme information about the present call are available at Helmholtz website – Beijing Office (in Chinese)
About the Partner
Office of the China Postdoctoral Council (OCPC) of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MoHRSS), China. The official webpage (in Chinese): https://www.chinapostdoctor.org.cn
Past calls (2016-2021)
3 Postdoctoral Fellowships awarded.
- Dr. CONG - Helmholtz Institute Mainz
- Dr. ZHANG - ALICE Darmstadt
- Dr. ZHOU - Accelerelator Operations Darmstadt
4 Postdoctoral Fellowships awarded.
- Dr. Y. SHENG - Biophysics Darmstadt
- Dr. D. LIU - Helmholtz Institute Mainz
- Dr. J. LUO - Material Science Darmstadt
- Dr. J. YU- NUSTAR Darmstadt
5 Postdoctoral Fellowships awarded.
- Dr. X. YU - Plasma Physics - Darmstadt
- Dr. D. GUO - Helmholtz Institute Mainz
- Dr. M. FAN - Helmholtz Institute Jena
- Dr. J. ZHAO - NUSTAR Darmstadt
- Dr. H. WANG - Theory Darmstadt
3 Postdoctoral Fellowships awarded.
- Dr. J. ZHU - ALICE Darmstadt
- Dr. W. LI - Helmholtz Institute Mainz
- Dr. P. JIANG - PANDA Darmstadt
7 Postdoctoral Fellowships awarded.
- Dr. X. BAI - ALICE Darmstadt
- Dr. Z. SUN - Helmholtz Institute Jena
- Dr. Y. XING - Atomic Physics - Darmstadt
- Dr. H. LIN - Accelerator/Atomic Physics Darmstadt
- Dr. X. GAO - CBM Darmstadt
- Dr. Z. SUN - Helmholtz Institute Jena
2 Postdoctoral Fellowships awarded.
- Dr. W. ZHOU - CBM Darmstadt
- Dr. B. GOU - Helmholtz Institute Mainz