GET_INvolved Romania
Within the GET_INvolved Romania we have dedicated partner programme under ERASMUS+ umbrella and with the Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca (with in EZt+ Programme). More information about each programme is listed below.
GET_INvolved Romania - ERASMUS+
Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Erasmus+ supports, for example, traineeships and internships abroad for students currently enrolled in higher education institutions in programme countries at Bachelor and Master level as well as for doctoral candidates. These opportunities are also open to recent graduates.
More information about the Erasmus+ traineeships.
So far, one Romanian partner university – University of Bucharest – agreed to list GSI/FAIR as receiving organization for their students participating into the Erasmus+ scholarship programme.
Calls and Application
Applications can be sent at any time, there is no specific deadline.
- In a first step, interestented students should transmit their application for the GET_INvolved programme.
- After getting feedback from GSI/FAIR International Office (IO), the candidate should contact the university’s international office (addresses see below) for the Erasmus+ Learning Agreement (Student Mobility for Traineeships), which is a formal agreement between the sending and the receiving organziation.
- Then, the candidate should submit the Learning Agreement (approved by the university’s Erasmus+ office) for final acceptance by GSI/FAIR IO.
About the Partner
The University of Bucharest (32,000 students and 20 faculties and departments) was founded in 1864. Together with 7 European universities it joined forces to build a European Academic Alliance called CIVIS which is supported by Erasmus+.
Information about ERASMUS+ at University of Bucharest.
GET_INvolved Romania - EUt+ Programme
EUt+ stands for “European University of Technology”, a joint project between h_da and seven partner universities throughout the whole of Europe. The European Commission is supporting the alliance in the framework of the European Universities Initiative, which aims to strengthen the European Education Area (EEA). Step by step, the universities want to grow closer together. EUt+ helps students to spend part of their studies at one of the partner universities. It is also increasing staff mobility as well as the number and volume of joint research projects. The European University of Technology unites 100,000 students and 12,000 staff. The participating institutions are connected by their shared focus on technologies that centre on human and environmental needs.
Calls and Application
Call for GET_INvolved Romania FAIR/GSI - EUt+, Romania 2022 to be announced soon
About the Partner
A modern, diverse and complex HE institution with a well-defined identity, actively involved in the local, regional and national ecosystem, recognized and appreciated as a provider of high quality of education, research, artistic creation, technology transfer and innovation.
TUCN offers a wide range of subjects, from engineering to architecture, fundamental sciences, social sciences and arts, at Bachelor, Master and PhD level.
About the University
www.tudublin.ieA modern, diverse and complex HE institution with a well-defined identity, actively involved in the local, regional and national ecosystem, recognized and appreciated as a provider of high quality of education, research, artistic creation, technology transfer and innovation.TUCN offers a wide range of subjects, from engineering to architecture, fundamental sciences, social sciences and arts, at Bachelor, Master and PhD level.