GET_INvolved Poland
GET_INvolved Programme under the ERASMUS+ umbrella of the European Union
Information on the Programme
Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to foster education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Erasmus+ supports, for example, traineeships and internships abroad for students currently enrolled in higher education institutions in programme countries at Bachelor and Master level as well as for doctoral candidates. These opportunities are also open to recent graduates.
More information about the Erasmus+ traineeships.
So far, three Polish partner universities – Warsaw University of Technology, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, and Białystok University of Technology – agreed to list GSI/FAIR as receiving organization for their students participating into the Erasmus+ scholarship programme.
Calls and Application:
Applications can be sent at any time, there is no specific deadline.
- In a first step, interestented students should transmit their application for the GET_INvolved programme.
- After getting feedback from GSI/FAIR International Office (IO), the candidate should contact the university’s international office (addresses see below) for the Erasmus+ Learning Agreement (Student Mobility for Traineeships), which is a formal agreement between the sending and the receiving organziation.
- Then, the candidate should submit the Learning Agreement, approved by the university’s Erasmus+ office, for final acceptance by GSI/FAIR IO.
About the Partners
Warsaw University of Technology (WUT)
Founded in 1826, WUT (36,000 students, 23 faculties) is the oldest Polish university and has taken the first place for nine years in its category in the ranking of Polish universities.
Information about Erasmus+ for outgoing students at WUT
Wrocław University of Science and Technology (WUST)
Founded in 1945 when inheriting the tangible property of Königliche Technische Hochschule Breslau, today WUST is one of the biggest and most renowned technical universities of Poland with 16 faculties and 27,000 students.
Information about Erasmus# for outgoing students at WUST
Białystok University of Technology (BUT)
Established in 1949, BUT now has 8,500 students and 7 departments. BUT is internationally well connected and established more than 260 Erasmus+ bilateral agreements and 13 double-degree agreements.
Contact to BUT International Relations Office