GET_INvolved Russia
Programme with DAAD
Information on the Programme
Within the GET_INvolved Russia, we have a dedicated partner Programme from DAAD under Young Talents Programme for short Line B and long term Line A stays for students (natural science and engineering), recent graduates and researchers. More information about each Programme is listed below. The projects can be performed at GSI/FAIR (Darmstadt) or Institutes in Jena (HIJ) and Mainz (HIM).
In 2021, GSI/FAIR attracted 14 young researchers to perform their research projects with senior researchers in the last call. Most of them participated in the ongoing FAIR Phase0 Programme with beam time at GSI.
IMPORTANT: The candidates who received funding from DAAD YTP in 2021 are allowed to submit again.
Overview of Young Talents Programme
The "Young Talents Programme" is intended to contribute to the expansion of German-Russian academic exchange in the field of large-scale research. Especially talented young researchers from Russia, also beyond already established.
Programme Goal
Outstanding young Russian scientists, graduates and students have the opportunity to do a short research stay at one of the large research facilities of the MLZ / FZJ and GSI / FAIR on an innovative research topic as part of a DAAD scholarship.
Who is eligible?
Highly qualified Russian postdocs, doctoral students, graduates (including engineers) and MA students. Applicants must be enrolled or working at a Russian university, a non-university research institution or an institute of the Academy of Sciences (AdW).
- DAAD Young Talents Programme Line A [Call open until April 01, 2022]
- DAAD Young Talents Programme Line B [Call open until April 01, 2022]
DAAD Young Talents Programme Line A
What is funded?
A scientific research project carried out in coordination with a scientific supervisor at a large-scale research facility of the research institutes listed below:
- GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Planckstr. 1, 64291 Darmstadt
- Helmholtz-Institut Mainz, Staudingerweg 18, 55128 Mainz
- Helmholtz Institut Jena, Fröbelstieg 3, 07743 Jena
- Duration of stay: 1-9 months
- Application and selection process: see programme page
- Deadline: 01 April, 2022
- Category: Postdocs, PhD Students, Graduates (incl. Engineers) and Master students.
- Scholarship: monthly award, depending on the level of training + Health, accident and liability insurance benefits+ Grant for travel expenses
- 1200 EUR for doctoral students, graduates and MA students;
- 2150 EUR for postdocs
- Start date: The first stay must take place in the period from 1 August 2022 to 31 January 2023.
- Programme page: Click here (in English), Click here (in Russian), Click here (in German)
DAAD Young Talents Programme Line B
What is funded?
- Summer/Winter schools: Highly qualified Russian postdocs, doctoral students, graduates (including engineers) and MA students. (Please contact Programme Coordinator for more information on Summer and Winter Schools at GSI and its Institutes)
- Short stays: Highly qualified Russian postdocs, doctoral students, graduates (including engineers).
- Duration of stay: 1-4 weeks
- Application and selection process: see Programme page
- Deadline and funding period: April 01, 2022
- Funding includes: Flat rate for accommodation and meals + Health, accident and liability insurance benefits + Contribution to the international travel costs (Russia-Germany) + Participation fee flat rate
- Category: Postdocs, PhD Students, Graduates (incl. Engineers) and Master students.
- Programme Page: Click here (in English), Click here (in Russian) Click here (in German),
- Applications submitted by Young Talents Programme Line A grantees are highly appreciated.
Dr. Pradeep Ghosh,
E: Pradeep.Ghosh(at)fair-center.eu
T: +49-6159 71 3257
More about the Partner
The German Academic Exchange Service, or DAAD is the world’s largest funding organisation for the international exchange of students and researchers. More information at their official webpage -> Click here.